Back ground information on some of the books

Bear Lodge

This book was the collaboration of almost 15 people.  Each character reflects some  aspect of the real life person or their personality. All are blended together in a wonderful story that makes you believe in no matter your past there is a future for us all. This book's characters are from around the globe. 

Boys will be boys

This is a Joint effort of Salomon Kpai of Ivory Coast, (West) Africa and Tracey Posey of Texas, United States.  Kpai is a high voltage electrical engineer. Posey is a postman for the US Postal Service. West African recipe included. 

This is bases on life as an Abiline, Texas (USA) post man. 

Great tips on a from a real life beauty queen

Fun, real life advice to consider at any time in life. 

After spending three weeks with an attack rooster this book came to life. 

This book is a coloring book and story book.

The series of Ernie books was the first. Filled with everything you could imagine.

This two books are filled with fun backs about a little town in southcentral New Mexico (USA). 

A Town with big


Ernie Books  Series